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Changanassery Boat Club makes historic debut at the Nehru Trophy

On September 28, 2024, under the leadership of the Media Village Group of institutions, the Changanassery Boat Club (CBC) participated in the 70th Nehru Trophy Boat Race (NTBR) and won the first position in the second losers final. CBC came to compete this time by renting the ValiyaDivanji boat, which has been going to the NTBR competition for years. Fr. Sebastian Punnassery, a member of the SJCC management board, as the patron of the boat and Sunny Edimannickal, the main sponsor and Baijappan Antony Joseph were the captains. Changanassery Boat Club was founded by Radio Media Village. Radio Media Village Executive Director, Fr. Jophy Puthuparambu, and former director, Fr. Sebastian Punnassery, and their interest in boat racing encouraged CBC to come out with ValiyaDhivanji boat to participate.